DylFilm Nights I (Scream and Scream Again)

It's time to review films, only it's not like that stinky film summary blog. 
No this is hip and new, it's Dylfilm summary "Nights!". 
What's the difference? 
Well the name Nights is in the title. 
That means it's better, more draumatic and totally hip and groovin.

Anyways that's enough about that. 
Let's talk about another film that lies about Peter Cushing being a main character. 
''Scream and scream again'' cast Vincent Price and Christopher Lee as prominent roles in the movie. They're not as prominent as I'd like them to be, but at least they are integral to the film. 
The same cannot be said for Peter Cushing who shows up for about 5 minutes and is then killed by a guy who perfected the Vulcan nerve pinch.

There's a vampire man who keeps killing random women and then draining them of all their blood (as you would expect a vampire to do). 
Various police units have been put on patrol to try and catch the man. The events leading in this operation inevitably end with a dramatic car / foot chase, resulting in the death of several police officers, possibly the death of the police woman who was undercover and the destruction of the vampire man who is able to rip off his own hand, run across country and jump into a pool of acid to evade capture. 
All while being pursued by some of Britain's most mediocre policemen. 
Their heart seemed to be in the right place, but their apprehension skills are abysmal. at one point they even capture the vampire man. 
But he's able to escape after he breaks off his own arm and the only reason he was able to do this in the first place is that he was unguarded in the front of the police car that he was handcuffed to.

Oh, and while all of this is happening we constantly cut back to scenes of a dictatorial fascistic Nazi state with communist undertones involving a story of political espionage, border patrol and spy operations necessitating a downed plane presumably owned by British intelligence. 
And all of it feels incredibly disconnected and confusing. 
I feel like the people who made this film weren't entirely sure what they wanted to do. 
Did they want a police drama with riveting car chases and party scenes? 
Did they want a spooky Frankenstein flick? 
Or did they want a political thriller with a fictional James Bond inspired country of Nazi Superman. 

It's a little disappointing in a way, you have so many great venues for interesting stories and intriguing set pieces. 
But when everything is put together it becomes a borderline incoherent mess and it doesn't mix together at all. 
I love the idea of a strange pseudo fascist state based on 30s Germany but run like a British Colonial Outpost. 
Peter Cushing being the military leader of this country was absolutely riveting and seeing him die 3 minutes into the scene was a bit heartbreaking. 
Such potential! Such a ludicrous idea thrown away so we can have a mundane Frankenstein story involving Vincent Price.
And that's not to say the Vincent Price vampire-Frankenstein plot isn't Fun in itself. 
At the end we have a super-powered Vincent Price fighting a super-powered Anthony Newlands and it's one of the greatest things I've seen in some time. 
It just could have been better. 
But at the very least it exists for what it is and I'm happy this movie can be viewed at all.

Also what is the deal with this flag? 
Is it pro-nazi or anti-nazi? I mean we all know the real answer. But it has three arrows on it. Somebody must have known what they were doing, right? 
Please God I hope someone knew what they were doing otherwise this is just sad.
