Film Summary DCCCXXXI (The Matrix)

Can true love conquer all? 
Yep. it can. 
Neo and Trinity forever and always. The perfect couple, they're going to break the Matrix, make the Matrix, be the Matrix, separate from The Matrix and then get stuck in a pod for 60 years where they're both brought back from death and put into an embarrassing situation. Dealing with bad green screen effects and half hearted writing choices. 
But on the bright side they'll look fantastic the entire time. 

You know if I was the Machine A.I. I wouldn't allow Neo to stay alive. I just download he's brain to a flash drive and then stick it on a computer console somewhere way out of the way from all the major Hardware installations. 
Put it in Zion next to that weird water purification machine. No one would ever think to look there.

You know what I never understood about the resurrection film. Why would you let Neo or any machine conjure up the image of agent Smith? 
I get the movie doesn't really care about story elements anymore. The whole thing's just a giant joke but that one program can literally corrupt and conquer the entire Matrix. 
You'd think that would be on someone's concerned list. 

Oh hell, maybe a bunch of programs just wanted to die. Hoping that agent Smith would come back. I was hoping he'd come back. 
Hugo Weaving is the best thing about the Matrix movies specially once you get to 2 or 3. He just chews that scenery so badly. 
Makes me enthralled with him! 
I just want to squeeze em so bad. Maybe he'd assimilate me into one of his machine Agent Smith copy people.

Anyways the first Matrix movie still pretty good. Decently written, pretty well acted, very good pacing, fantastically put together special effects good use of colour.

Really good self contained film. And much like Star Wars, Terminator, 
The Alien franchise, Predator; Even 'Lord of the Rings' (if you want to count the first three movies as one big story) it all falls apart once you start introducing new movies and set pieces to expand the universe. 
At the end of the day a lot of story's should just stay where they are. Keep it simple, keep it to the point. Let the mind of the audience fill in the gaps with their own interpretation. 
