Film Summary DCCCXXXIII (Hard Times)

It's time to watch Charles Bronson date a woman a third of his age and by a cat. 
Oh and sometimes he boxes. 

This movie had the most pointless romantic subplot I've seen in a long time. 
Now it didn't need one, it's just there to fill the running time, but our main character hooks up with a random woman, never really does anything with her and then casually leaves the relationship because he's an unstable untreatable source of stability. 
It's probably for the best. 

I hope the cat is okay.

Also James Colburn is here. He plays the boxing manager and squanders money away like no one's business. He's the definition of a walking Trainwreck as he constantly gets himself into financial trouble with every shady character he can find.

It's a decent enough boxing flick. Feels a bit pointless in the world with a Rocky franchise.
